The Alien In The Garage And Other Stories - Plot & Excerpts
Amy stuck her fingers in her ears, trying in vain to block out the sound. Her brother was nearly two now. Shouldn’t little kids be talking by that age? Burbling, anyway. Saying: “Mama!” or something. Not sitting there, screaming their heads off. If Dad had been there, he could have kept Dominic quiet. Amy was sure of that. She looked, as she often did, towards the family portrait on the wall. Mum had left it there so as not to upset her. The large framed photograph had been taken the Christmas before last. There they all were, Mum, holding a tiny Dominic proudly in her arms, then Amy herself, a little younger, then Dad, grinning for the camera, the proud father of two children. Five months after that photograph had been taken, Dad had left. Amy only saw him at weekends now. And four months after that, Louis had come on the scene. Dominic’s howls were getting louder, and Amy couldn’t take it any more. “Mum!” She had to bellow to be heard above the bawling toddler. “What?”
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