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Read The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)

The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)

Online Book

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The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette) - Plot & Excerpts

The entire mission had been planned down the smallest detail!
The ice station was further away and the snow deep and terrain virtually impossible to get quickly through! It was incredible that they had actually not landed earlier than when the sun was going down. The incident with his parachute had been a major incident and he knew there was someone there against him and perhaps the mission, and he wondered who had access to the parachutes!
When a loud blast exploded out and a bullet hit and killed one of the front soldiers, beside Commander Craven, Weaver was not fully surprised, and realized that someone was attacking them!
It was lucky there was cover and they rushed below two small hills as bullets flew in hitting the snow all about them, and he realized that there were at least six of them, and that they had made the mistake of being too far away. The bullets were off and they had been lucky that they had hit the soldier.
None of them could see who was there though, and they were hidden away at different locations and moved around, and they were unable to recognize anything!

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