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Read The Assassins: A Radical Sect In Islam (2003)

The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam (2003)

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184212451X (ISBN13: 9781842124512)
weidenfeld & nicholson

The Assassins: A Radical Sect In Islam (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

ان تجد نفسك يوما بين ليلة وضحاها بين حور عين لا يلبسون عن خدمتكعلى يمينك خضرة و اشجار لا تملك امامها سوى المكوس للاستظلال بها وعلى يسارك ماتيسر من خمر وميسر وانصاب وازلام , فماذا انتا بفاعل وامامك سور الجنةفلا تملك سوى ان تحرق كالخمسة الفدائيين وانت تقول " نموت فدائا لسيدنا علاء الدين املا فى العودة مرة اخرى الى الجنة هى اجراءات كانت تتبعها فرقة الحشاشين التى تنتمى للفئة الاسماعلية الشيعية لتنمية روح الولاء لدى اتباعهاواعتقد ان المؤسس حسن الصباح هو فى مرتبة العظماء فكرا بالنسبة لى وان كان من المدنسين خلقا واعمالا فمن يستطع يوما ان يجعل من حوله اكثر من 60 الى 70 الف من مريديه يتمنون الموت ويصلون الى اعلى المناصب ليسطروا اسمه من حروف من نور يستحق العظمة وان كان دنس الخلق و العمل فكيف لجماعة عاشت بين قلاع مشيدة على السرقة و الجور و الاغتيالات السياسية ان تعبث بالمقدرات بهذا الشكل الكبير, فمن محاولات لاغتيال اقوى القادة المسلمين صلاح الدين الى قتل بعض من قادة الصلبيين والاغرب من ذلك التحالف معهم احيانا وان كانوا يختلفوا عنهم تماما التدهور جاء من تدخل الاهواء فى القيادة فالشيعة و على الرغم من عبادتهم وتقديسهم للامام الا ان زيادة الاهواء تقتل الولاء وتهزم النفوس وهو ماادى الى هدم اعظم قلاع الحشاشين " الموت " على ايدى المغول فى النهاية فبين الاعتماد على مبادىء القيامة والسماح بالزواج من المحارم و عدم الصيام وبين القبول بالشريعة من جهة اخرى حتى فسد الكل فى رأيي اهم اسباب قوة الحشاشين كانت اهتمامهم بالثقافة و العلوم و تشيد المكتبات والحرص على العلم وعلى الرغم من قتلهم واغتيالاتهم التى استمرت علشرات الاعوام الى ان هذه الجماعات تستهوينى مابين استمرارها فى الخطأ احيانا وعدم التعلم من التاريخ وبين قدرتها على التستر و نفاذ عقولها وسيطرتها الى اعتى الحصون للملوك و الطغاةفتارة قتلهم وتارة التحالف معهم وتبقى الحشاشون فعلا من اقوى الفرق فى تاريخ الاسلام هذا ان حسبت عليه

I remember thinking at one point in this book: How is it possible to write a book about assassins that's boring? I soon realized the fault of my boredom was my own--that is, my own limited knowledge. When an author is using terms to describe how much territory a group controlled and he's referring to cities and regions that no longer exist, he's not being boring, he's just talking over your head. Too much of this, and it might as well be abstruse algorithms rather than the history of what Lewis calls in passing "the first terrorists".That terrorist point isn't his main thesis (he wasn't writing this to examine al Qaeda or something, the book was first published in 1968), but it does stand up pretty well. This small group juggled much larger neighbors who could crush it by scaring the hell out of their leaders--personally. There are some interesting points that he throws in about how the Ismailis didn't bother to assassinate Hospitalers or Knights Templar: assassinations didn't work against highly structured societies in which the number 2 in command would simply step into command with no break in order; it only worked against fragmented, personality-driven kingdoms that were the norm in the Middle East. The Ismailis knew this, and didn't waste assassins on them.I don't know enough Islamic religious history to comment on that, though it is important to this book, and Lewis's treatment thereof probably contentious among scholars of Ismailism (a branch/heresy(?) of Shia Islam).What is of note is that the assassins definitely had a religious strain in their motivations. Contrary to what happens in all of our tv, an assassin was more akin to a suicide bomber than to a Navy Seal. They would spend years working their way into a position where they could murder a leader or a preacher if they were so ordered--but when and if they did, it was a shame to escape alive. That's right. You were supposed to become a martyr. Escape was not the plan.How do you motivate that? Heavenly paradise, of course. It also makes the assassins about a hundred times more dangerous, because guys who want to die killing you are much, much harder to stop than guys who need an exit plan after the deed is done.A good antidote to the sometimes-more-interesting fictions out there about assassins. (Fictions the real guys would have encouraged, by the way. It made them more scary.)

What do You think about The Assassins: A Radical Sect In Islam (2003)?

Highly informative but ultimately problematic in interpretation.The Assassins is a compact book that goes deep into the background of a "radical" Muslim Shi'ite sect operating in Syria in the 11th-13th century named "The Assassins." The term "Assassin," in fact, originated from this group.Europeans came into contact with the Assassins in 11-12th century during the crusade period. Fantastic stories about them were recounted by travelers, politicians, historians, and crusaders, to people in Europe and they were absolutely captivating accounts. The public assassination executed by the followers of the group terrorized the various Sunni Muslim leaders. The fact that so little is known about them even in the Middle East makes the group more fascinating. Bernard Lewis' little book is an effort to straighten out the story, to differentiate between myth, fanciful details and facts, concrete evidence newly coming into light. He wishes to make them, the Assassins, interesting on their own terms.And Lewis is indeed capable of packing so many details in such a short book. For certain, many will be overwhelmed by number of names, dates, places, and castles. Yet with a bit of patience, readers will do just fine. It is a matter of practice to get used to Arab, Turk, or Kurk names.The story told, however, could be unsatisfying. Lewis focuses chiefly on political and military activities, but not on the theological and religious foundation of the Assassins - the Syrian sect of the Muslim Sh'ite, pro-Nazari Ismailis.Another difficulty is that most primary writings and chronicles by Ismailis themselves were destroyed by their enemies - Muslim Sunnis. As a result, the evidence left can be skewed, portraying Ismailis in a less favorable way. This is inescapable. Lewis is aware of this issue, and yet I find him still opinionated. After all, he sees Assassins as fanatical terrorists. The connection between the Assassins and terrorists is very very very problematic, as Lewis later acknowledges in the preface of a later edition. The fanatical part is also questionable, in my opinion, because Lewis again does not examine the religious aspect of the Ismailis carefully.Overall, still a good account. Though Lewis' later books can be quite ideological, this early book is still quite balanced, well-researched. But after all, it is always our responsibility as readers to read critically.

history is better than fiction.for all you geeks out there, do you remember the cult of thulsa doom from that schwarzengger conan movie? well, they were real. except that none could turn into snakes. the assassins flourished in the mountains of what are now lebanon and syria around the time of the crusades.the terrified the christian kings. survived numerous attacks by more convention muslims. and were only done in by the mongols. it can also be said that they invented the suicidal one way political killer. the book is well written, as are all of lewis's works, but a little thin. really deserves something more comprehensive.

التاريخ يا اخونا , التاريخ , من لا يعرف تاريخه لن يفهم حاضره ولن يأمن مستقبله وقبل ان ابدأ في المراجعه احب ان احيي الرائع احمد خالد توفيق لانه هو او من عرفني على تلك الفرقه في عدد من اعداد السلسله التي كان يكتبها التي(فانتازيا) عرف معلومات كبيره جدا اما عن الكتاب كتاب شيق جدا ماتع جدا , دراسه علميه محترمه ومحايده وتتسم بالموضوعيه الشديده وعدم التحيز ,تشرح فيه تاريخ هذه الفرقه التي ظهرت في العالم الاسلامي وكان لها تاثير سياسي كبير في مجريات الامور , .واعجب ان احداث تاريخيه كتلك لم ندرسها ولم نسمع عنها مع انها مهمه جدا رغم ان مؤلف الكتاب هو ( برنارد لويس) ذو السمعه السئيه فيما يختص بمخططات التقسيم الا انه بدا ليه محايد وموضوعي في هذا الكتاب ,يتحدث الكاتب عن اصل الفرقه ويشرح جذورها من ايام بعثه النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الى الان , وعرفت كثير من المعلومات التي لم اكن اعرفها مثل ان اصل الفرقه كان من مصر وان مصر كان ليها دور كبير في ظهور تلك الفرق .انصحكم بقراءته بشده .
—Mohammed Fathi

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