The second Wednesday of every month is when more than half of the country receives their Social Security, disability and government retirement direct deposits. Many are about to find out this Wednesday is different from other second Wednesday. People wake and check their bank accounts online before they leave to go shopping; most sat down in shock; many rebooted their computers and smartphones to see if they had made a mistake. Many called their bank wondering where their money is. People are enraged, how were they going to put food on the table, or pay their rent, or buy their drugs? The banks all said the transfers are made electronically; there's no person in the loop. Most have no idea what that meant. They kept demanding their money from the banks. The banks got tired of repeating the information, most simply changed their recorded phone greetings to inform people calling, the bank has no idea what's going on. People vainly try to call the various government offices that provide the benefits; none answered.
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