The tinted windows would be important when it came time to drink up and disappear. Much as I hated to hand over the reins, I was forced to admit that it made more sense for Billy to be the designated burglar. Not only did he have (as he took great pains to explain to me) vastly more experience than I did in the field, but we also already knew the formula worked on him. He hadn’t had much in the way of side effects from his test drive of the potion. He’d been a little weak and woozy as his primary aura reemerged, the same way James had been when he’d initially tested the substance on himself, but Billy had recovered more quickly. James thought that was probably due to the adaptor metabolism being faster than a nonadaptor’s. He’d also dutifully warned us that repeated usage may result in a different outcome. Billy had shrugged it off, of course. He’d weighed the risks, decided the odds were in his favor, and didn’t dwell on the negative possibilities. In other words, exactly how he approached life in general.