He had carried me to bed while I slept; my prince charming. I stretched my arms and legs like a cat, as I felt around the bed for him. It was empty but for me and the endless assortment of pillows and sheets. No surprises there – Will always had to leave early for work. I felt a small box under my pillow, and jolted awake at the shock. What was going on? A small black box was resting under my pillow. I slid it out and looked at the clasp. It said ‘For Cee’. Well, it was definitely for me. I laughed. I wondered what Will had gotten for me. First, a note was attached to the back. Will apologized for having to leave before I woke up; he truly wanted to see me open my gift, but there was an office emergency. I rolled my eyes, and pulled a loose strand of hair over my ear. I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, and pulled the sheets over my bare breasts in case a servant came strolling in. I undid the clasp on the box, and opened the lid. ‘The garden party was your first surprise of the night, Cee.”
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