The Bippolo Seed And Other Lost Stories (2011) - Plot & Excerpts
Title / Author / Publication Date: The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories/Dr. Seuss/2010Genre: FictionFormat: HardcoverPlot summary: Presents seven Dr. Seuss stories first published in magazines between 1948 and 1959, with an introduction and commentary on each.Considerations or precautions for readers advisory: NoneReview citation: Dickerson, C. (2012). The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories by Dr. Seuss (Book Review). School Library Journal, 58(1), 59. Section source used to find the material: Children's Core Collection, Most Highly RecommendedRecommended age: 6 and up Week 6: Dr. Seuss story you haven't read beforeDuck finds a box that holds a Bippolo Seed. He is instructed to count to three, plant the seed, and wish for something and his wishes will grow out of the Bippolo Tree. Duck is just about to plant the seed when Cat walks by and wonders why Duck wished for so little. Why not wish for all sorts of things. Duck and Cat imagine all sorts of things to wish for, things they can sell and get rich on. As their wishes get bigger and bigger, wilder and wilder, Duck accidently drops the seed in the river and his dreams are lost."The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories" is appropriate for ages 5+ (Grades K+). I really like this book. The story behind this book may be too much for a young reader to understand (references to consumerism and greed) but the text is still fun. "The Bippolo Seed" story did not have many pictures to refer to, only two, but I still liked the story's creativity. I think kids will like to see the imaginations of Duck and Cat grow as they realize there is no limit to what they can wish for. Although not as fun as other Dr. Seuss books I've read, it is still fun to be introduced to a new Dr. Seuss story.
What do You think about The Bippolo Seed And Other Lost Stories (2011)?
I love Dr Seuss! This is one of my favorite collections of his work.
I listened to this, the audio version is fantastic.