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Read The Brazen Bride (2010)

The Brazen Bride (2010)

Online Book

3.84 of 5 Votes: 2
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006198003X (ISBN13: 9780061980039)

The Brazen Bride (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This third book in the series is very good! With a shipwreck and all that that leads to, it's one discovery after another. Then the run to a safe haven dodging cultists attacks is just as harrowing as the others have been, but with a surprise that lends quite the spirit to the whole story. And now everybody listens to their story and gathers to await the arrival of the last courier, but he appears to be among the missing! I did like this book. And I think it had to do with independant women, even in a time when the goal is to get married and have children, the female lead-- Linnet-- essentially ran the town she lived in. She was captain of her OWN shipping line and she just took what she wanted, commanded it. I think I could connect with her because I'm a control freak like her. But in terms of love and relationship, we're constantly battling letting a man take care of us, but maintaining our independance while at times letting go of control.On a side note, I'm a sucker for nursing a yummy man back to health, so of course, as you begin reading this book, you're introduced to Logan, who is on a mission, and after being wounded, turns up shipwrecked on Linnet's shore. I have to tell you, Logan, is so yummy. I wanted to eat him. During his 'healing' period, he happens to be resting in Linnet's bed, and she needs to sleep too (of course) so while she started off being comfortable with a platonic bed relationship,Logan's body has other plans. Oh yess... Logan "sleep seduces" Linnet... giving her the best sex of her life. UM HELLO!!! YUMMY. You had me at Linnet experiencing herfirst orgasm. HA!!! However, in true Stephanie Laurens' style, she just starts to ramble on and on and on. I really want to call up her editor and say: "What gives? Why do you let her repeat the same thing using the same and different words to say something that could be summed up in 1 paragraph?" *smh* I really cannot understand that. The worse thing about Laurens is that she consistantly writes novels that are all : Man: "You will marry me." Woman:" No I won't." Man: "You will." Woman: "No." Man: "You WILL!" Woman: "OK."I kid you not. That is how this book, and all of Lauren's books, can be summed up. There is also yummy sex scenes, but sometimes they too drag on and on... So, this book, will only get 3 stars because it could have been 100 pages less than it was. Time is money people. LOL So, yes its good. But be prepared to skim when necessary. On a side note. This book is part of a quartet and I have to state. Its not worth the investment of time or money to read and purchase this set. It really isn't. If you want to know what happens... just email me. :)

What do You think about The Brazen Bride (2010)?

3 stars because the remaining two-thirds of the book made up for the first-third that drove me nuts.

I liked the first two in this series, this one fell flat.

Linnet Trevission / Logan Monteith

I just love this series

Good but drawn out.

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