On her desk were complete descriptions of all possible vehicles, including the one the couple had recently rented. She decided to place the emphasis on the rental, and back burner the Jaguar. The car would appear in her bulletin, but she’d ask the locals to concentrate on the rental. The ASAIC instructed her assistant to issue the alerts with special attention to the police agencies responsible for Thurmont and Frederick, and the one covering Pine Lakes. . . . . . . The police and Secret Service weren’t the only ones looking for Janet Phillips and Payton. Bill Parker was seething over the royal screw-up south of Thurmont. Their attempt at taking out the couple had been the biggest mistake since Custer said he had the Indians surrounded. Of course, there was nothing to link the two who died in the wreck to the Committee, Parker, or the Wingate estate. The car they had demolished had been stolen a few days earlier in downtown Philadelphia, and the men carried no identification on them.