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Read The Caverns Of Kalte (1985)

The Caverns of Kalte (1985)

Online Book

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0425093573 (ISBN13: 9780425093573)
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The Caverns Of Kalte (1985) - Plot & Excerpts

The Lone Wolf series is growing on me as it progresses. Book 2 was MUCH better than book 1, but still had a couple of really annoying features. This third book is a little better again. I did discover one maddening circumstance, but I'll let it go.There was a much better sense of the passage of time in this book, as the expedition proceeds across the icy wastes towards the fortress where the traitor wizard Vonotar is holed up. There's a great sense of place too, really conveying the sense of arctic conditions.The caverns themselves contain glimpses of the past of this fantasy world, starting to fill in the wider details. I guess this is one benefit of a continuing story like this series: each book expands and deepens the lore. Maybe that explains why I'm finding them less lightweight as they go on.There was surprisingly little combat in this volume. The encounters themselves were interesting, espcially the climactic one. But I only had five actual fights, and thanks to the overpowered Sommerswerd all but the very last one resulted in instant kills, wiping out my enemies in a single combat round (the last creature took two rounds, but I still didn't receive a single scratch in combat throughout this book).I did enjoy this one, though, and now have optimism for book four.

There are so few activities that one can do with the your boyfriend and your sister together that won't land you in jail. This is one them. I liked the fact that my boyfriend and I started reading this series of books together (him first, then me) and now my sister also got interested because I've told her about the books. It's so cool to be able to share this experience with them and it's fun comparing notes on what we've been able to achieve. The mission for this book is to kill Vonotar the Traitor after the fall of Zagarna. Like the other books, there's so much adventure to be had and if I'm not mistaken, there seems to be more battling in this third installation of the series, but I love it any ways. More accomplishments mean more stuff and leveling up! I adore these books, they are so interesting and an enjoyable way to while away the hours.

What do You think about The Caverns Of Kalte (1985)?

Just finished the third part. Generic fantasy of the '80s, sure, but at least well written and presented. The second book, though it had it's moments seemed weaker to me than the first, so I had my doubts about the quality of the third. Even though I gave both the second and this one four-stars, it should be more like 3-and-a-half for the second and 4-and-a-half for this one. A frozen landscape full of mysteries and a ruined castle with ancient secrets waiting for you to explore. I couldn't ask for more.About the deaths, I don't like to start again, even from the same book (not to talk about the whole series), because I would like to experience the epic as a whole, but to keep fair, I keep statistics of how many time I should be dead in each book. Up until now, I died once in each book, mainly from wrong choices than from battle. At least I keep the death rating as low as possible.

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