I leaned against the outside wall. If geckos had ears, steam would have been shooting out of mine. "Rats!" I said. "They tricked me, those rotten Rat Sisters! They slipped me a red herring." "A red herring, eh?" said Natalie. "I'd like a couple of those, marinated in olive oil." "No, you ding-dong," I said. "They gave me a false lead. A dead end. And I wasted precious time on it. How long before the bell rings?" Natalie glanced at the clock on the gym wall. "Not long," she chirped. We might have just enough time to make it to the dump and back before lunch period ended. It would be close, but a private eye lives for danger. I snagged my skateboard from the bush where I always stash it. We took off. Five minutes later, I hopped off my skateboard outside the fence. Natalie landed on a nearby stump. "Why wouldn't you carry me?" I said. "I've never flown before." "And you won't fly with me," she said. "You are one heavy gecko, Chet. You should lay off the deep-fried termites." Termites. Mmm, that reminded me, I still hadn't eaten lunch.
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