Since a woman as old as Yeh Clam would not have need of such an article, this suggests Lin Piao and his wife might not have been on that plane. Issues and Studies, Journal of the Institute of International Affairs, Taiwan 1 June 1972 8 ‘The Russians, not to put too fine a point on it, were baffled.’ Dr. Vincent Stillman leaned his folded arms on the edge of the lectern and gazed up at the ceiling. Lost in thought, he opened his mouth wide and those members of the East Asia Study Group sitting in the front row were able to see that his teeth, like his ragged moustache, were also stained bright yellow with nicotine. For a moment his head seemed to shake almost imperceptibly on his shoulders. ‘The Trident had come in too low, remember, for their radar screens to pick it up. So the first thing they knew of its presence was when it crashed. Their nearest radio-sonde observations from the Soviet rocket base near Choibalsan, a hundred miles away, showed there had been no unusual meteorological conditions.