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Read The Coven (2007)

The Coven (2007)

Online Book

4.09 of 5 Votes: 2
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0142409871 (ISBN13: 9780142409879)

The Coven (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Eine gelungene Fortsetzung.Morgan ist eine Bluthexe und konfrontiert ihre Eltern damit und das ist der Auftakt einer tollen Fortsetzung.Cal hat Morgan gesagt das sie eine M��chtige Hexe ist, zwar noch in Kinderschuhen aber immerhin, blo�� das passt alles nicht so in das Leben von ihrer Familie und als sie mit ihren Eltern redet kommt heraus das sie adoptiert ist.Morgan ist tief entt��uscht das man ihr nichts gesagt hat und als sie einen Blick auf ihre Geburtsurkunde wirft zeigt es sich das es die Wahrheit ist. Nun will sie wissen wo ihre Wurzeln liegen und findet einiges heraus unter anderen das ihre Mutter eine sehr m��chtige Hexe war.Aber mit keinen kann sie dar��ber reden da ihre beste Freundin Bree ja mit ihr nichts mehr zu tun haben will, da Morgan ja nun Cal bekommen hat und nicht sie. Nicht nur das sie nun gegen Brees b��sen Stichelein sich wehren muss, kommt nach dazu das sie immer mehr ��ber ihre Eltern heraus bekommt.Das Buch hab ich verschlungen, es war spannend ohne ende und freue mich auf teil drei ;)Da es in dem Buch tiefer geht als nur um irgendwelche Zauberspr��che und das sie sich die Welt so sch��n hexen k��nnen, finde ich es gerade spannend.Mal sehen was die n��chsten Teile zeigen...hoffe das Bree vielleicht noch zur Kr��te wird oder so ;)

The character Bree is the reason I don't miss high school. I didn't like her from the beginning of Sweep number one, and I especially don't like her after reading this one. And I know she doesn't get better until later (and I still don't like her later either). I wish Morgan would see that she's better off without her like most readers can.I love how Morgan feels hatred towards Skye and Hunter when she first meets them. It just sets up the next couple books perfectly. I love how she eludes to personality traits of Selene Belltower as well. I couldn't imagine never knowing that I was not adopted. Since I know I wasn't adopted, it makes it really interesting to hear it firsthand from someone who has grown up believing that their family is really theirs, but they're just really different. I would feel completely isolated and angry as well. The author is very good at conveying Morgan's feelings, especially when the character isn't afraid to admit she's riding on a rollercoaster of life. I was interested to hear from Maeve - entries from her Book Of Shadows, and I love how it preludes every chapter beginning and kind of makes you aware of what might possibly happen in the text to follow.

What do You think about The Coven (2007)?

This book was a clear improvement over the first one. In this, Morgan confronts her parents about her status as a blood witch, or a genetic witch, and quickly finds out that she was adopted. Her search for information on her birth mother becomes an obsession just as her relationship with Cal is heating up. She is also feeling very conflicted about what happened with Bree but when she finds out that Bree and Raven are asking another witch for a "withering of love" spell, hse is shocked to find that the other witch is part of Cal's mother's coven. Cal's coven, Cirrus, becomes smaller as Beth, Raven, and Bree leave it, but it grows closer together. Somehow Morgan has also cured Robbie's bad eyesight along with his bad acne and she is able to cure Jessica's asthma as well with just a touch. There was a lot of foreshadowing in this book so I am getting an idea of where the story is going to go. Also, each chapter started off with an entry from Morgan's birthmother's Book of Shadows (which was used primarily as a journal) so you get an idea of how Morgan ended up with the Rowland family.

it keeps on getting more interesting!Even though these books are so short, they are full of action!The more I read, the more I enjoy it!What I like most about this series so far, is how magic itself is portrayed. Cate Tiernan uses so many wonderful words that create vivid images in your head and it makes you feel connected to the magic described in the book.I have only one problem so far: Things are happening too fast for my taste. The time span between the ending of the first book and the second is approximately two weeks only and holy macaroni, you won't believe what happens in the book in this short of time.Plus, somehow, Cal is too pushy in my opinion, and I hope there'll be some character development for him.BUT I'm looking forward to reading the third book in the series as quickly as possible, because these books ARE REALLY ADDICTIVE!

Today's review is on The Coven by: Cate TiernanThe Coven is the second book in the sweep series, and though I enjoyed reading it it was not as good as the first book, Book of Shadows.The book begins each chapter with entries in the Book of Shadows of Morgan's mother then goes into the main story. After finding out that she is a Blood Witch, Morgan gets the courage to confront her parents and find out why they have been keeping the fact that they are witches from her and her sister. In doing this she finds that she is in fact adopted. After reading her birth certificate she begins searching for information on her birth mother.One evening while the coven is at Cal's house, she finds a secret room where there are multiple books. There are numerous Books of Shadows, and among them she finds her mother's. While questioning why Cal's mother has her mother's Book of Shadows, Cal and his mother enter the room.The Coven was an enjoyable read, and I finished it in just one day. 3 of 5 stars
—Annette M Guerriero Nishimoto

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