The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button And Six Other Stories (1932) - Plot & Excerpts
Una de las ventajas de leer los libros es que uno se da cuenta de los detalles que no vienen en la película. En esté caso, el libro no tiene NADA que ver con la película. ¿En dónde está la criada que lo adopta? ¿El padre que lo rechaza? ¿La chica por la que él lucha? El libro es más triste y cruel que la película y sin embargo lo supera en todos sentidos. Por el atractivo me quedo con la película, con la historia me quedo con el libro, así de fácil. At first impression, I was quite taken with this author. He has a wonderful way with words, quite clever and funny. About halfway through, however, something started to bother me. I was bored without quite knowing why. Eventually I figured it out; these stories are all painfully, dreadfully superficial. It's great if you're just looking for a window onto life in that time period, but he leaves you with practically nothing to think about once you've set him down. I admire his skill, but prefer my books with a little more substance.
What do You think about The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button And Six Other Stories (1932)?
The beautiful quirks of his writing style bring alive the personalities of his characters.
It's a classic and he's a great author and all that...I just couldn't get into it.
This is a great book! I absolutely loved it. But I think the film is even better.