The Dangerous Joy Of Dr. Sex And Other True Stories (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
Sex and Other True Stories The Ballad of Conor Oberst Conor Oberst takes the stage in Eugene, Oregon, looking like a cartoon of an indie rocker. His hair flops around his head in a black bubble, and above the quickly drawn lines of his mouth and nose his soulful eyes stare out. Though he’s from Nebraska, he brings to mind some Japanese pop icon—Hello Kitty perhaps—the way he manages to seem both adorable and haunted at the same time. Oberst, once the child prodigy of the indie scene, has always had to battle his own cuteness. He wrote his first songs at age 12, began soloing in clubs at 13. Now, at 22, he has played in so many bands and been involved in so many side projects that you need a flow chart to keep track of them. He has confessed crushes into microphones; he has shaken and shivered; he has built a following as the bard of teenage angst. Until this year. Suddenly, Oberst has swerved in an entirely different direction. On a recent CD he made with Desaparecidos, one of the bands he leads, he lambasted American consumerism with a level of sophistication you rarely hear in three-minute songs.
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