The Dark Inside (A Human Element) - Plot & Excerpts
It was Laura's hair. Burnt strands of copper and fire. He had seen it a hundred times, in person as well as his dreams and visions. He had tried to keep his presence hidden from Laura over the years, but she knew he watched her. She had caught him once and asked why he followed her. That was the only time he spoke to her before disappearing again. I need to know what you are, he said."Felix?"He re-focused his eyes on the flesh and blood woman before him, Maria, who drove him to thoughts of Laura. "We'll do it tonight."She nodded, squinting at him, and stood. The angles of her face were sharper than Laura's as if each killing she had performed over time shaped the hardness of her on the outside–as well as the inside."I'll be at the bar at nine then." She gathered up her notes."I'll wait for you to bring the men to the motel room. You're sure you can convince them?""I've never had a problem before. And these two like to share."He eyed her figure with a longing never realized. Her body was tight and lithe.
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