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Read The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection)

The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection)

Online Book

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The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection) - Plot & Excerpts

To his surprise he had been put in a cell at the moonbase with Lucas, and he realized that he had completed the mission of locating Lucas on the moon!
Lucas looked ragged and had been trapped in the cell on his own for a long time! Grunts and sounds Lucas gave took strange tones about the strange underground low gravity cell, and Weaver could scarcely believe that he was the leading scientist!
Weaver had to strain his eyes to see him in the dimness, while he considered what he had, and he decided to try to solve his accumulated queries and he started by giving him information on himself, and he finally asked what he had on the voyager!
“Its origins are not an alien source!”
Lucas announced, biting his lower lip hard.
Weaver wondered if he was giving facts or theorizing, and swiftly replied, “How did you find out?”
“They questioned me and I gave them my identity! They checked up on me! They trust me now and reveal confidential information! But they are not letting me go as I know too much!”

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