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Read The Deadliest Haunted Castle

The Deadliest Haunted Castle

Online Book

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The Deadliest Haunted Castle - Plot & Excerpts

“What the hell was that?” Major Ripley moaned loudly, to all the people in the vehicle behind him, and they all looked out the windows, and down at the jungle below, and Kruger looked back at where it had happened, and saw a black shape shift through the vegetation, racing in their direction, and he checked the speed that they were going at and considered if it could catch up with them, and if they should speed up.
From a screen at the front they saw a camera view of the damage below, and that the thing had grabbed and ripped away a massive chunk of metal from the bottom of the vehicle.
It clearly had attempted to pull them down and had failed!
“That thing is still chasing us ...” Major Ripley stated, checking a side view of the jungle.
“What was that?” Larsen moaned, listening to a side window, where he had clearly heard it.
“What did it sound like?” Bryan asked, trying to hear anything that he could.
“A howl!
Like some monster ...!”
Major Ripley for some reason hesitated over if he should speed the vehicle up, as he would have to monitor the vehicle and journey if he did, and he was sure nothing living could catch them.

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