I'd certainly found out how true that was in bed, to my immense satisfaction, and now I was in the middle of finding out how similar they were when it came to domestic arrangements, too. Only forty-eight hours after they'd made their proposition about living with them, I was outside their front door, my suitcase in one hand and an enormous bouquet of flowers in the other. Behind me, Pedro, the chauffeur I'd already met, was hovering, as if afraid I might do something unexpected. As he'd thought I was attacking him the first time I'd visited the twins, he probably had good reason. I wondered if "something unexpected" might include bursting into the "confidence" song from The Sound of Music, but thought this might be too much even for me, let alone Pedro. However, to be honest, it's what my arrival here felt like. I only needed a habit and a high soprano and I'd be Maria in the flesh. Thank the Lord the Delaneys didn't have any children. Before I could ring the bell, the door opened.