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Read The Devil Duke Takes A Bride (2012)

The Devil Duke Takes a Bride (2012)

Online Book

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Astraea Press

The Devil Duke Takes A Bride (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

It was a bit difficult finishing this book. I started to lose interest about midway through and was practically skimming afterwards. The heroine was a likeable character, but not really interesting enough as the protagonist. The hero was often described (by others and himself) that he was a cold and intimidating type of man, however all his actions and such was the complete opposite and made him seem like a poser. I was very disappointed by his actions and the interaction between him and the heroine. I very much regret buying this novel on my Nook. Benedict Devlyn, Duke of Banbury needs a wife... or so his meddlesome, incorrigible Aunt Agatha says! Insists, in fact! And Agatha has picked out the perfect wife for him... Lady Katherine Bourne.It has been three years since Benedict and Katherine have seen each other -- he thinks she is "as clumsy as she is mad" and she thinks he is dull and hopes she won't be ruined just by merely associating with him. Not your recipe for perfect love.When she sees him, she apologizes for past incidences when she almost killed him (accidentally, of course!) - he asks her to dance - she gets her foot caught and twisted in the bottom of her skirt - he helps her out into the balcony - she loses her balance and kicks him in the head - he falls backward - she tries to see if he is okay and lands on top of him - and before she can extricate herself from that position, they are "discovered" in their accidental compromising position! And everyone is asking when they are going to be married -- in fact, Agatha is insisting on it!Benedict is determined NOT to marry Katherine - until he realizes she doesn't want to marry him! He is elated and offended at the same time! Agatha and Katherine's parents reach an agreement - he has two weeks (until the Kringle Ball) to change her mind.It isn't long before he finds himself wanting to marry her -- She provokes, enflames, and intrigues him! He feels totally out of control. Then he gets invited to a 4-day house party by Lord Marks. He accepts hoping to put Katherine in disastrous situations so he can be reminded of all the reasons he doesn't like her. Nothing goes according to plan, and it doesn't even take the full two weeks for both to be irrevocably in love with the other!

What do You think about The Devil Duke Takes A Bride (2012)?

Quite an entertaining read. Number 2 in 2013 challenge.

Teens should read this, its refreshing and funny ^^

Sweet and entertaining. I liked the characters.

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