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Read The Devil's Armour (Gollancz S.F.)

The Devil's Armour (Gollancz S.F.)

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The Devil's Armour (Gollancz S.F.) - Plot & Excerpts

Deciding there was nothing much to do until Jazana moved against them, he spent his time exploring the library and getting used to his new comrades, many of whom mistrusted him, yet all of whom treated him respectfully. He learned quickly that Breck hadn’t lied to him about the library’s defences; they were indeed quite formidable and Baron Glass was impressed. More importantly, perhaps, Breck had arrayed a reliable team of loyalists around himself, so that good advice flowed easily to him and made his difficult job simpler by virtue of delegation. Thorin had already spent many hours meeting with them all, poring over plans in the library’s gigantic reading room, discussing all manner of military minutia. After just two days in Koth, Breck had proven what Thorin had already suspected – that Library Hill was a formidable defensive position.
Thorin spent little time with his son in those first few days. Like all the men of the library, Aric was busy with endless duties. Because of their relationship, however, Breck had assigned Aric to see to his father’s needs, which were minor and consisted mostly of understanding the chains of command.

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