I was expecting something bigger. I don't know why; this is the second book by Sophie Nicholls I've read. The ending did not connect with the rest of the book. Perhaps it was meant to be understated, but? It was disappointing. The book itself had rich details and I enjoyed it, but then, somewhere towards the end, nothing connected, and... I feel like I'm waiting for the real ending.Thought about it a few more minutes, and decided that there were too many loose ends. Why was Eustacia's letter introduced at all? Seems superfluous to the situation (especially given that there were no parallels). There were many side characters that you learned their story and then never saw them again (or only for a fleeting moment to drop off some cupcakes and I don't know if that was supposed to show that the charms were working or that it was Fabbia herself causing people to go after their own dreams)... I don't know. It just wasn't pulled together very well. Taps into current trends for vintage clothes and also phenomena such as BNP and paranoia about Arabs or people from Middle Eastern countries - whichever country it is. An interesting concept in the book was the use of charms through words that could influence the wearer of the clothes - to good effect - to make them more confident or happy or... sometimes a physical object might be sewn into a seam somewhere also to enhance the effect.The story was gently told but many social ills are introduced such as alcohol dependence, drugs, sexual abuse of minors and so on, and dealt with in a manner that illustrates clearly their effects on lives.The folk story of the silkie I have heard before set in Scotland though - the Orkneys and Shetland Islands are the setting usually - in fact, looking on wikipedia, there is a stamp from the Faroe Islands depicting a selkie as they named her. So where the story really originates it is difficult to say, but clearly somewhere where there are a lot seals around...The author is actually based in york, where this story is set, and her Goodreads site says Book 2 - Dreams - of the trilogy is now available.
What do You think about The Dress (2011)?
Descriptive & beautifully written. Wish that one element was addressed, but otherwise loved it.
Enjoyed it very much. Loved the descriptions of the vintage clothes. Enjoyed the story too :-)
Beautiful & sophisticated! Can't wait for sequel :)