The Argentine pampas and the Chaco territory of Paraguay provide the setting for The Drunken Forest. With Durrell for interpreter, an orange armadillo, or a horned toad, or a crab-eating raccoon, or a baby giant anteater suddenly discovers the ability not merely to set you laughing but actually to endear itself to you.
Explanation Saludos
1. Oven-birds and burrowing owls 2. Eggbert and the Terrible Twins Interlude 3. Fields of flying flowers 4. The orange armadillos 5. Bevy of bichos 6. Fawns, frogs, and fer-de-lance 7. Terrible toads and a bushel of birds 8. The four-eyed bird and the anaconda 9. Sarah Huggersack 10. Rattlesnakes and revolution Interlude 11. The Rhea Hunt Adios!
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