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Read The Duke's Perfect Wife (2012)

The Duke's Perfect Wife (2012)

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The Duke's Perfect Wife (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

After reading Ian's, Hart's story was the one I was looking forward to the most cuz His character has such presence. Unfortunately, that was all his story had. He has pride, I get it. She left him, I get it. He marries someone else and was brokenhearted when wife and child dies but instead of going to see El, he just writes her a letter but he returns to his mistress that broke them apart in the first place. Why even write to El? I felt that he was more affected by his crazy mistress and mourned her more when she died than any other emotion he had with El. He wouldn't even get rid of the house that caused him, El, and Ian sooo much trouble. That's what I got out of it and couldn't shake it. He was this dominant, take-what-you-want character, yet that didn't apply to El at all. And Eleanor... Poor, pitiful Eleanor. Poor, never married, holding on to Hart, her one true love. Normally, My favorite type of h but not El. She's so passive and understanding... to a fault! She's not jealous, she offers to stay in the house where his mistresses and whores stayed, etc etc... The WTH moment for me regarding El is when they talk about the mistress going to see her before the wedding. She doesn't break off the marriage because of said mistress and the "house", its because she doesn't want to end up like the mistress and actually feels sorry for her. Yeah,.... sorry, doesn't fly to me.just soooo disappointed! Nagyon jól kezdődött, de mintha félúton elfogyott volna az írónő lendülete. Elkezdte bonyolítani a cselekményt, aztán egy erőltetett magyarázattal pontot tett annak a végére, és előhúzott a kalapból egy másik konfliktust. Nem volt szép kerek történet. Az események nem álltak összefüggésben egymással. Vagy legalábbis nekem nem sikerült felfedeznem ezeket az összefüggéseket.

What do You think about The Duke's Perfect Wife (2012)?

Love the author and her writing.

About the oldest brother Hart.

It was a great story.

2.5 stars

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