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Read The Emperor Of All Maladies (2010)

The Emperor of All Maladies (2010)

Online Book

4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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1439107955 (ISBN13: 9781439107959)

The Emperor Of All Maladies (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

It's really hard for me to rate this book because I read for pleasure and it was not a pleasurable book to read (or in my case, listen). For me it was an achievement to finish it because it was a bit over my head in parts and I found my thoughts wandering. Still, I did learn a bit about cancer and health and medical studies. I loved the historical approach.This book made me sad, and I wished that it included more personal stories with happy endings, but that is cancer in a nutshell, right? I hope that if I ever have to travel that path as a patient or caregiver that I have a physician as compassionate as Dr. Mukherjee. An easy to understand but not oversimplified guide to the history of cancer. This book was fascinating, thought-provoking and incredibly informative. This book was broken up into sections to make it more accessible, which could be a tad confusing chronologically, but undoubtedly made each point made clearer. I would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in cancer, healthcare, or medical history.

What do You think about The Emperor Of All Maladies (2010)?

An amazing book. The writing is superb making the story as compelling as any fictional mystery.

I really enjoyed this book, I learned a lot and yet it was always interesting and easily read.

His brilliant, poignant writing is worthy of encompassing the vast history of cancer.

Very well written history of cancer.

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