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Read The Enchanted Isle (1999)

The Enchanted Isle (1999)

Online Book

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0445402490 (ISBN13: 9780445402492)
warner books (ny)

The Enchanted Isle (1999) - Plot & Excerpts

I love this hard-boiled, noir stuff.This book is from late in Cain's career and is set in the era when a girl was described by her measurements ... and Mandy, age 16, thoughtfully provides these right in the first sentence.Mandy (as is sometimes the case in Cain's novels) has a mother who is even hotter than she is ... but who has a checkered past. This leaves Mandy with conflicted information regarding her own parentage and the novel takes off from there. The story involves a bunch of shootings, a no-good boyfriend, a bank robbery, some mistaken identities, a semi-luxurious life on the run, lots of pie-ala-mode, and a happy ending (For Mandy; not so much for the others).Little Mandy, it turns out still had the same measurements in the last paragraph as in the first ... so that was nice to find out ... after all she had been through.

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