The Epherium Chronicles: Embrace - Plot & Excerpts
The new particle cannon had now been mounted to the ship, but most of the work to integrate the new weapon was focused in the engineering sections on the inside. The space outside the Dreadnought was marked with multiple pockets of activity. Mars Station maintained operational control of any traffic, and all activities were strictly defined to local zones around the Armstrong to prevent any mishaps. Traffic to the new ship had increased dramatically over the past day. Three near collisions had already been reported. Shuttles and cargo transports cycled into the docking bays every other hour and returned to the station for another run. Most of the shuttles were ferrying work crews to the ship, but many of the newly assigned crewmembers for the Armstrong were sprinkled into their midst. Lieutenant Commander Rafael Sanchez was dressed in his standard EDF dress uniform and tried to relax in his seat on the shuttle that was about to start its docking sequence with the Armstrong.
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