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Read The Eternal Champion (1996)

The Eternal Champion (1996)

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1565041917 (ISBN13: 9781565041912)
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The Eternal Champion (1996) - Plot & Excerpts Eternal Champion is the first volume fantasy eponymous cycle, written by Michael Moorcock and published on the UK market in 1962. The novel belongs to the subgenre of sword and sorcery, with some contamination clockpunk. The narrative proceeds in person through the point of view of John Daker, a man of our planet, catapulted into a world of ice in which embodies Erekose, the Eternal Champion; evoked by King Rigenos to defeat Eldren, a race of elves in war against the humans.The Eternal Champion is a recurring figure in all the works of Michael Moorcock, probably derived from your Avatar Hindu. It is a supernatural entity destined to reincarnate incessantly in order to bring balance in the Multiverse. Erekose However, after an initial period of confusion and adapt to the new world, not passively accept to interpret the role assigned by humans, but begins to ask the questions on the actual meaning of his mission, which will lead him to opt for tragic choices.There are many characters in the novel and in any case all the spotlight is on Erekose, protagonist of the story traits and hazy with a psychological complex. Although the plot may seem straightforward, there are a few twists that make it more interesting the story and allow significant points of reflection to the reader; over that bloody battles and clashes with cold.Ultimately I believe that The Eternal Champion is a great fantasy book and I recommend it to all lovers of the genre.

Four stories each featuring the Eternal Champion. The first story is Moorcock's first written story and is okay. Even Moorcock admits it isn't great, but important in the whole milieu. The second story is very sci-fi and really didn't grab me at all. I felt it not only dragged but was over long. The third story moved along at a brisk pace and harkened back to the first story and I found it to be quite enjoyable due to the action sequences. The fourth story is the shortest and actually could have used more space to really flesh things out. It seems to set the Moorcock standard of overwhelming odds and the heroes journey to find aid or help against those odds at whatever cost. A good read overall, but not a great read which is why I give it three stars. I suppose I would give it 2 1/2 if I had that choice. When compared to other Moorcock work I found it to be a little below the average.Especially when compared to superior works such as Elric and Corum.

What do You think about The Eternal Champion (1996)?

I liked and didn't like this book at the same time. It is fantasy, but it is also an anti-fantasy book, the kind that must have made Moorcock known as the anti-Tolkien fantasy writer (insofar as his works try to draw away from Tolkien's vast influence). Still it was funny, and is nevertheless the kind of novel the fantasy canon needs. Looking forward to reading more of Moorcock and this series, though hopefully not all of his books are like this. One must take on the big giants of our field, but still - Tolkien rocks. Luckily, Moorcock probably does too. I'll find out in the future.
—Felix Purat

Mixed feelings.On the one hand Moorcock surpasses lyrical level on several occasions. The contradictions of the main character, common feature in his novels, are the hallmark of this one.However, I missed the fluid narrative, developments, and finally, the great splurge that in other of his works grabs you like a whirlwind. The plot in "Eternal Champion" is much slower and sometimes almost stagnant.I recommend reading to understand more about Moorcocks universe, but for those who want to begin to delve into it, better read the sagas of Elric or Corum, two of his masterpieces.
—Víctor Blanco

I haven't yet read any other Moorcock, so I'm thinking that the way I wrote that last sentence is wonky. Sorry.One of my friends in real life and on Goodreads, JJ Lanza, is a big Moorcock reader. He can give you a suggestion where to start, if that's what you're looking for.

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