This story is a fantasy I created when I attempted to write novels for an extremely popular television series during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. My novels never came to fruition at that time, but I envisioned what it might have been like if they had. As you read, you might wonder: Have I really been on the working set of a television series or to a huge Hollywood party? Let's just say a quick No, and move on. The wonderful thing about a fantasy is that is doesn't have to be grounded in too many things, like facts! One similarity that I do share with the heroine Leslie is that I did receive an encouraging phone call from one of the guest stars on that aforementioned television show. I really did send him copies of the short stories I had written, and he really did call me to offer encouragement as well as to extend his appreciation for the effort I had put into my manuscript (and, yes, I do still have the tape recording that he left on my answering machine). After that uplifting incident, the similarities within The Fan Letter end.