The Girl With My Heart (Summer Unplugged #8) - Plot & Excerpts
He’s doing that scream-for-no-reason thing he sometimes does, I can tell by the sound of it as I unlock the door and step inside our apartment. “What’s my little man crying about?” I call out. No one answers me, but it’s not like I expected Jett to suddenly stop crying and say, “Why sorry, father. I am crying because I’m pissed off for no reason.” I smile at the ridiculous thought and scan the living room for Bay. That’s who I expected to answer me, but she hasn’t said a word. If she has, maybe I just can’t hear it over the screaming. “Bay?” I call out as I step into the kitchen. It’s empty, too, and there’s still no reply. Maybe she’s in the shower. I head down the hallway, peeking into our bedroom and the bathroom and she’s not in there and Jett’s screams are louder than ever as I approach his bedroom at the end of the hall. “Bay?” I try again. And then I see her.
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