APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS. TWILIGHT.Autumn. The forest is red and gold. Flying over the trees, gently, then a sudden swoop into open space.Far below is the river, the forest giving way to high rock cliffs. Flutter of leathery wings. Flying faster, faster, the river roaring and churning.Flying straight toward the sheer rock face. Just ahead is a narrow crevice, a black wedge in the rocks. Speeding, faster, the river and trees are a blur.SKEEEK. The unearthly shriek echoes off the walls of the gorge and then all is black.CUT TO:EXT.FOREST. TWILIGHT.Shadows of trees. Two men take cover, 30 feet apart, barely able to see one another in the fading daylight. They are dressed in outdoor gear, shorts, T-shirts, backpacks.FBI agent JIM CASTLE, 40, hard-eyed, haggard, leans against a tree. He holds a Glock 9 mm in one hand, two-way radio in the other. He motions to his partner with the Glock, indicating prey ahead.FBI agent DEREK SAMFORD, 28, dark toboggan, waves in response. Castle whispers into the radio.CASTLESuspect in sight?SAMFORD (O.S.