‘But we couldn’t find anything online and we couldn’t think of any reasons ourselves.’ Ben looked pained – he hated failure. ’I’ve tried too,’ he admitted. ‘There’s nothing, is there?’ ‘Not that I could find. But you’re better at this kind of thing. I mean, how did you do that stuff with the electricity last night?’ ‘Oh, it was easy. Their electricity grid was hardly protected at all. And the different circuits weren’t even encrypted. They’d practically labelled them. If they’d put the cameras and the doors on the same loop, that would have been tricky, but honestly, it was as if they wanted someone to break in. I turned the cameras back on after you’d left, by the way. Just because it was funny.’ Millie grinned at him. She wondered how funny Arthur Shepard had found it. ‘But I can’t find anything that connects Vakkson to cat research at all. They usually deal with rodents.’ ‘Mmm. That’s what we thought. But Max doesn’t reckon there were any other animals in the building.’ ‘If there had been mice, I would have smelled them,’ he said patiently.