The Guild Secret (The Dark Ability Book 6) - Plot & Excerpts
He felt a kind of separation as his mind lifted from his body. With it came the sense of movement, but none of the colors that he experienced when Sliding, and none of the smells of lorcith or heartstone that he’d grown accustomed to, either. Rsiran pressed through the door and paused. Ephram believed they would know if he Traveled, and Thom had certainly known, but that didn’t mean that these Elvraeth would be able to detect him quite as well. He held himself back, hovering along the wall, holding close to both the lorcith and the heartstone, thinking that might actually help keep him from being detected. He saw Ephram first. He stood at the end of a long table, with Sarah on one side, and two others on his other. Sarah wore a long white robe that draped to the ground, and kept her hands slipped into the sleeves. Her long, blonde hair hung below her shoulders. When she glanced over to Ephram, Rsiran noted the way her deep green eyes flicked toward the back of the room.
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