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Read The Guru Of Love: A Novel (2004)

The Guru of Love: A Novel (2004)

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0618382682 (ISBN13: 9780618382682)
mariner books

The Guru Of Love: A Novel (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

Through page 84: I have learned a lot of interesting facts about Nepal through this book already. One I found really interesting is how obsessed people are with their social standing. If you are upper class you show it, and if you are lower class you do what you can to hide it. The main character, Ramchandra, is conflicted by the affair he is having with one of his students. It is taking a toll on his life and his teaching as well. Everytime he is with his wife he can't stop thinking about Malati. She is a poor student who is a young mother so the extra help se gets from Ramchandra gives them a lot of alone time. He is worried that people will find out and that it will ruin his life. On some levels I want him to get caught but then I think of what it would do to his wife and kids if they find out so I am hoping it just stops. But there is a certain attraction betwee him and Malati that can't be ignored. There is a lot of suspense in this moment wondering what is going to happen with Malati and Ramchandra.Through page 146: At this point, he confessed his affair to his wife. She was furious and left home to live at her parents house with the children. Her parents already hated Ramchandra because he is of lower social standing but this just adds fuel to the fire. He is upset about being alone at his house but he is also satisfied because he can have all night with Malati. Another thing I learned this far is about Nepal's huge festival that they have. It is in honor of the Gods and there are celebrations and sacrifices in the streets. Right now it is time for the tika, which is the dot that people from the Hindu religion have on their forehead. It symbolizes the third eye of the Gods. The tradition is that the father puts the dot on his children's head and blessing them. Ramchandra is allowed to go to his in-law's house to do this to his children but Goma still won't talk to him. By now the village is starting to hear about his affair and treating his family differently. I am happy with Goma in the sense that she didn't care what people would think of her and her family for her husband having an affair. She was protecting herself and her children's emotions in leaving instead of staying there for the pride of their family. I am feeling a little sorry for Malati and Ramchandra for the guilt they have but I am upset that even after the huge blowout where his wife left, they are continuing in their path only feeling guilt when they sit by themselves and think. Something like this in Nepal can ruin your family's reputation and bring shame to everyone in it.Through page 220: The change in government is still making everyone upset. Protesters want a democracy like the western countries but they still have a monarchy. This is a really hard time for the people of Nepal because of all the quick changes. Malati got kicked out of her house with her child and Goma insisted that they live with her and Ramchandra. This made things really awkward for everyone. Their kids are growing up and rebeling against simple orders. And Goma's father died. This is splitting up Ramchandra and Goma even more because the family moved in with Goma's mom to help her out. Malati found the man she had a child with and now is living with him. Ramchandra is really torn because he loves his wife but he also thinks he misses Malati. I also feel like their whole world is falling apart, with all the protests and massacres and riots. It is foriegn to us because we are so used to having a democracy and have not known anything else.Through page 290: Now the government is offically changed to a democracy. The riots have settled and there are parties in the streets. Nepal remains a democracy today. Ramchadra and Goma are working out their issues. They finally got to build the house they always wanted after Goma's mother died and left her money. Sanu is not a figure for womens rights in voting and policital issues. Rakesh is a handsome grown boy who is old enough to court now. Malati never did pass her college enterance exam and is stuck married to the man she had a child with. They are poor and unhappy. Ramchandra sees her in the street one day but he decided that they are not meant to see eachother and he goes back home to his wife.

Upadhyay has constructed an incredibly emotionally complex novel about the love between husband and wife, and the impact changes in this relationship have on the whole family. He is a master of illustrating for the reader the interconnectedness of not just family, but also larger political events as they relate to the individual. Throughout the book he ties in the political struggles of the monarchy vs. democracy in Nepal, bringing to climax of those events simultaneously with the climax of personal events in the hearts of the main characters. There are very few truly "evil" characters in the book - all of them are understandable in their motives. With just a few words, Upadhyay weaves characters and situations we can relate to, even if we have never been to Nepal or know anything about the country or it's people. A wonderful, wonderful book. Highly recommended.

What do You think about The Guru Of Love: A Novel (2004)?

This book takes place in modern day Kathmandu and is written by a Nepali author, so I figured it would be worth reading. I liked following the characters around the city, but if you've never visited Kathmandu, I don't think this book would give you a good idea of what it's like. The author's description of the setting throughout the book was not very thorough. Though the plot did keep me interested, overall, I thought the characters acted very strangely, and the author did a poor job of developing the intent and motivation for the characters to do what they did. The ending made the story somewhat redeemable.

Seusai menamatkan novel ini, saya sempat tertegun. Benarkah ada cinta demikian mulia, seperti cinta yang dimiliki Goma, di dunia ini? Cinta yang memaafkan. Cinta dengan segala kebesaran jiwa. Goma, anak gadis dari Tuan Pandey, seorang kaya raya di Kathmandu, memilih menikahi Ramchandra, lelaki miskin yang bekerja sebagai guru matematika di sebuah sekolah kampung yang (juga) miskin daripada harus menikah dengan seorang dokter pilihan orang tuanya. Ia mengancam tidak akan menikah selamanya jika orang tuanya tak mengabulkan permintaannya. Dengan berat hati, Tuan dan Nyonya Pandey terpaksa menyerahkan putri sulung mereka pada Ramchandra yang di kemudian hari terus dihinggapi rasa penasaran mengapa keluarga kaya raya itu memilihnya sebagai suami Goma. Sebagai guru, penghasilan Ramchandra tidaklah terlalu besar, sehingga ia hanya bisa mengontrak rumah di sebuah gang kumuh untuk istri dan kedua orang anaknya. Mertuanya sering kali menyindirnya karena tidak bisa membelikan rumah yang layak bagi putri mereka. Hal tersebut membuat hubungan dia dan mertuanya tidak harmonis. Pada setiap kesempatan pertemuan keluarga, Tuan dan Nyonya Pandey, memperlihatkan sikap dan perlakuan yang berbeda terhadapnya dibanding menantu satunya lagi, Harish, suami Nalini, seorang usahawan sukses. Saya jadi ingat kata-kata di novel Il Postino yang menyebutkan bahwa mertua adalah lembaga yang paling menyebalkan di dunia. Untuk menambah penghasilan, Ramchandra menerima murid-muridnya les matematika di rumah kontrakannya yang sempit itu. Suatu hari, seorang gadis cantik berusia 21 tahun, datang mengetuk pintu rumahnya memohon dengan sangat agar dibolehkan ikut les dengan bayaran di bawah harga yang ditetapkan agar dapat mengikuti ujian akhir SMA. Mulanya, Ramchandra keberatan mengingat ia amat membutuhkan uang tambahan sebagai tabungan membeli rumah. Tetapi, melihat tekad dan kesungguhan gadis belia (dan rupawan) itu, luluhlah hatinya. Ia tidak pernah mengira, inilah awal bencana rumah tangganya : guru dan murid itu saling jatuh cinta! Goma yang baik, tak menyangka sama sekali bahwa suaminya sampai hati berkhianat padanya. Tahu apa yang kemudian dilakukan Goma? Luar biasa! Perempuan arif itu mengambil keputusan yang mengejutkan semua orang. Ia malah menyuruh agar suaminya membawa Malati, gadis itu, tinggal di rumah mereka! Tidak bisa dipercaya rasanya. Keluarga besarnya sampai menganggapnya tidak waras karena sikapnya tersebut. Bagi Ramchandra, keputusan Goma justru dirasakannya sebagai hukuman untuk dirinya. Tetapi Goma bergeming. Dengan penuh ketegaran sembari, tentu saja, menyimpan rapat-rapat rasa dukanya, ia menerima kekasih suaminya ke dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya. Ia bahkan menyerahkan kamar tidurnya untuk dipakai oleh suaminya dan Malati. Mana ada lagi kebesaran jiwa seperti itu? Apa yang membuat Goma mengambil jalan ke luar konflik rumah tangganya dengan cara demikian? Malaikat apa yang membujuknya sehingga ia bisa sesabar itu? Ketegaran Goma betul-betul bikin saya cemburu sekaligus gemas. The Guru of Love sungguh cerita yang menarik dan mengharukan. Ber-setting Kathmandu dengan budaya dan tradisi Hindu - seperti tetangganya India - yang kental, di mana kasta dan kekayaan menentukan kedudukan seseorang dalam masyarakat, membuat novel ini memiliki daya tarik Asia yang eksotis. Ditulis oleh Samrat Upadhyay, pria kelahiran Nepal yang kini bermukim di Cleveland, Amerika Serikat. Tentu saja ia sangat paham budaya dan kebiasaan di Nepal, negeri kelahirannya itu, termasuk juga kondisi sosial politiknya yang saat itu berseteru dengan India di bawah Perdana Menteri Rajiv Gandhi. Pergulatan batin dan konflik tokoh-tokohnya tampil wajar. Demikian pula penyelesaiannya, tidak terkesan mengada-ada. Kalimat-kalimatnya ringan dan mudah dimengerti. Beberapa kata dan istilah dibiarkan tetap dalam bahasa aslinya, sehingga kita dapat merasakan warna lokal novel ini. Beberapa kesalahan pengetikan, meski tak terlalu mengganggu, semoga bisa diperbaiki pada cetakan berikutnya. Peristiwa di novel ini tidak mustahil terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata dan kita boleh percaya bahwa cinta memiliki kekuatan dan jalannya sendiri.

Have read other books by this author, one of the few Nepali fiction writers writing in English. Story of an underpaid teacher, married father of two children, who becomes infatuated with a student. The story is rather unbelievable but loved the setting in Katmandu and the general ambiance of the family and relationships between family members. A Nepali friend, in discussing the author and the book, says Upadhyay is writing for the American audience and that none of the story has any real meaning in an Nepali context. Interesting.

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