That’s why God gave us children and dogs. Where Harvardhoned wit has failed, adoring looks, good appetites and wagging tails have saved the day. —“Warfield’s Battles” Jason was formulating a plan. He watched Laura clean up the kitchen with his sister and his niece and drank in the sound of friendly feminine conversation. There was nothing in the world, he thought, like the speed and pitch at which women talked when they found things in common and were comfortable together. Conversely, nothing quite matched the chill of a roomful of women who didn’t get along. While he settled Matt on the sofa in front of the television with Coke and popcorn and his treasured Power Rangers video, Laura, Patsy and Nickie talked with great enthusiasm about Nickie’s next year at school. Buttercup curled up at Matt’s feet, opening his mouth for the occasional popcorn kernel lobbed his way.
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