What do you think it is about that particular story that most appeals, or feels most important to you?2. After reading the final story in the collection, did your opinion and understanding of Dan Lawson change from your introduction to him in “Lizard Man”? If so, how? Was he able to redeem himself in your eyes?3. How is Brig changed by his short but poignant night with Lily in the collection’s second story, “Amputee”? Do you feel hopeful for his future after this night, or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes?4. Precarious romances run rampant in this collection. Some couples make it through their obstacles, like the couple who fight to keep it together after the death of their daughter in “The Geometry of Despair.” Other relationships are beyond repair. In your opinion, what qualities must a relationship have in the world of The Heaven of Animals in order to last?5. In “100% Cotton,” the narrator contemplates human suffering as he attempts to re-create his deaf father’s mugging and murder on a street corner.
What do You think about The Heaven Of Animals: Stories?