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Read The Hidden Light Of Objects (2014)

The Hidden Light of Objects (2014)

Online Book

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Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing

The Hidden Light Of Objects (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Where was it coming from? Sitting at the bottom of the stairs, I tried to peer into the darkness at the top.
“Isn’t it strange how that keeps happening?”
“What does?”
“That flash. Every once in a while I see a flash.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
I wasn’t surprised he hadn’t noticed. All he could think about was that some girl, the love of his life no less, had broken up with him. This compact, earnest boy had recently moved to the American School of Kuwait, ASK. I don’t know how we became friends – the only Kuwaiti boy I would ever befriend and not for long – but my patience over his misfortune was fast running out. Even here, at this remarkable party (and it really was astonishing: a villa empty of furniture, police bouncers at the door, a bar on every floor), all he could do was go on and on about the pain, the ache, the sorrow. I wanted to stuff his broken heart with a bouquet of pink carnations.
At the end of the year, I would add to the hurt of his heart a bit myself, would go with him to a dance – as his friend, that was the agreement – and then leave him for Jonas.

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