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Read The Hotel Under The Sand (2009)

The Hotel Under the Sand (2009)

Online Book

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Tachyon Publications

The Hotel Under The Sand (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

You could never have fit a broom or a mop in there, though, or even a feather duster. Every inch of space inside was filled with neatly stacked wooden boxes, except for one small shelf containing a little cylinder gramophone.
“That’s the source of the voice, and those are Mr. Wenlocke’s strongboxes!” said Winston. “I recognize them.”
“HAAR!” said Captain Doubloon. “Oh, Grandad Doubloon, see what you missed by not learning how to read?”
He grabbed the topmost box and hauled it out. Producing a crowbar from inside his coat (Emma wondered what else he had hidden in there), he wrenched the lid off the box.
Emma was a little disappointed by what was inside. There were no jewels, no pieces of eight or golden bracelets. She saw only smooth squares of gold, lined up like so many bars of yellow soap. Each one was stamped with the letter W.
“That’s not very exciting,” said Masterman, frowning. “I always imagined a big chest full of rubies and emeralds. This is just… metal.”

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