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Kage Baker books

Kage Baker
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Read Books by Kage Baker


The Empress of Mars (2009)

I'd give this 3-1/2 stars but will settle for 3.I read about half of the books in Baker's "The Company" series before I stopped caring about it. This book is only tangentially connected to that series and I honestly didn't recognize the two obvious Company characters who were included. It is an e...

The Empress of Mars (2009) by Kage Baker

The House of the Stag (2008)

Apparently this is part of a series. Didn't know it and wasn't interested. The first part was decent, but then Baker kept switching to new characters which confused me and stopped me from continuing my investment in the first character. If you want to hook me with other characters, do it early...

The House of the Stag (2008) by Kage Baker

The Bird of the River (2010)

So far, very good. I was a little uncomfortable with the initial scenes of the kids and their mother, but now that the kids are traveling up the river, the story has gotten really interesting and very riveting. I like her world-building, it's very effortless and doesn't intrude into the plot, y...

The Bird of the River (2010) by Kage Baker

Not Less Than Gods (2000)

I have a fondness for steampunk novels and this is definitely one of the more intriguing andf enjoyable reads in that genre. It centres around the "Great Game" but what makes that palatable is the book's lack of delusions about how that is about anything except power-grabbing by colonial nations....

Not Less Than Gods (2000) by Kage Baker

Mendoza in Hollywood (2006)

Mendoza in Hollywood (aka. At the Edge of the West) by Kage BakerThis is the third offering in The Company Series and my second read of Kage Baker. I skipped Sky Coyote because I enjoy the Mendoza character and wanted to get more of her, but if I continue reading this I think I'll have to begin n...

Mendoza in Hollywood (2006) by Kage Baker

The Graveyard Game (2005)

The Graveyard Game is easily my favourite Company series book to date. The story starts with Literature Specialist Lewis’s reaction to Mendoza’s mysterious time-bending visitation from the last book, Mendoza in Hollywood. Lewis’s immediate reaction is to contact Facilitator Joseph, the immortal w...

The Graveyard Game (2005) by Kage Baker

In the Garden of Iden (2005)

Time travel poses a host of complications, no matter which set of rules one follows. Plus, I mean, as cool as it might be to pop back to ancient Egypt or Rome or Tudor England for afternoon tea, I wouldn’t want to live there. Hello, indoor plumbing much? Flush toilets and high speed Internet? I l...

In the Garden of Iden (2005) by Kage Baker

Gods and Pawns (2007)

In the Company, you're either a God or a Pawn, but sometimes you have to be both. The eight stories, reprinted for the first time in this collection delve further into the history and exploits of the Company and its operatives, including Mendoza, Lewis, and Alec.    The book opens with the novel...

Gods and Pawns (2007) by Kage Baker

The Sons of Heaven (2007)

This is how it ends:In The Sons of Heaven, the forces gathering to seize power finally move on the Company.Edward Alton Bell-Fairfax, resurrected Victorian superman, plans for world domination.The immortal Mendoza makes a desperate bargain to delay him.Enforcer Budu, assisted by Joseph, enlists a...

The Sons of Heaven (2007) by Kage Baker

The Machine's Child (2006)

Kage Baker's trademark series of SF adventure continues now in a direct sequel to The Life of the World to Come. Mendoza was banished long ago, to a prison lost in time where rebellious immortals are "dealt with." Now her past lovers: Alec, Nicholas, and Bell-Fairfax, are determined to rescue her...

The Machine's Child (2006) by Kage Baker

Dark Mondays (2006)

Kage Baker (author of the popular Company series) delivers a collection that explores the dark and fantastic sides of her writing. This collection is anchored by an original novella involving pirates.

Dark Mondays (2006) by Kage Baker

Sky Coyote (2000)

This second novel of the Company makes all of In the Garden of Iden feel like a prequel, and for those SF readers who don't like much romance I might recommend starting here. It jumps ahead a couple hundred years and switches to Joseph's first-person narrative (I think the series is actually shap...

Sky Coyote (2000) by Kage Baker

The Anvil of the World (2004)

The Anvil of the World is not quite a novel, but rather three novellas, printed chronologically and linked by their cast of characters. I have a minor quibble with Tor in this matter, because the entire volume is divided only by line breaks, with a page break and a graphic of two swords crossing...

The Anvil of the World (2004) by Kage Baker

The Life of the World to Come (2005)

A word, first, on the publishing. Sometime between The Graveyard Game and this novel, Kage Baker switched to Tor. I am extremely grateful for that. The cover design is much sleeker, and there is a very definite style to the series covers from this point on, making it immediately obvious when you ...

The Life of the World to Come (2005) by Kage Baker

Mammoth Books presents The Books

This was her last completed story. She was best known for her time-travel series about the immortal operatives of the Company, which began with her first novel, In the Garden of Iden (1997). Her steampunk novel, Not Less Than Gods (2010), details some of the secret history of the Company’s Victor...

Mammoth Books presents The Books by Kage Baker

The Children of the Company

This particular document is the record of an experiment. Certain twenty-fourth-century mortals would be horrified to know any evidence of their work was in Labienus’s possession, let alone that their project had been co-opted by him. He smiles wryly, remembering Project Adonai. On impulse, he ord...

The Children of the Company by Kage Baker

Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key

Waverly clinging tightly to John’s arm, the cleaning-up had begun; which was to say, dead men from both sides were being pitched overboard, and the blood was being swilled off the decks with buckets of seawater. The survivors of the crew of the Fyrey Pentacost were lined up along the rail, being ...

Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key by Kage Baker

The Hotel Under the Sand (2009)

You could never have fit a broom or a mop in there, though, or even a feather duster. Every inch of space inside was filled with neatly stacked wooden boxes, except for one small shelf containing a little cylinder gramophone. “That’s the source of the voice, and those are Mr. Wenlocke’s strongbox...

The Hotel Under the Sand (2009) by Kage Baker

Nell Gwynne's On Land and At Sea

When were we at Lyme?” Lady Beatrice asked in surprise, for Mrs. Corvey was rather pronounced in her preference for Torbay. “Oh, we never were. I lived there once,” said Mrs. Otley, and Lady Beatrice nodded discreetly, for it was well understood amongst the ladies that one never inquired directly...

Nell Gwynne's On Land and At Sea by Kage Baker

The Women of Nell Gwynne's

K. Potter SUBTERRANEAN PRESS 2009 The Women of Nell Gwynne's Copyright © 2009 by Kage Baker. All rights reserved.     Dust jacket and interior illustrations Copyright © 2009 by J. K. Potter. All rights reserved.     Interior design Copyright © 2009 by Deser...

The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker

The Machine's Child (Company)

The shipping door was clearly seen to open, admitting a blur that no amount of analysis could resolve into a recognizable shape; and after a period of thirty seconds it closed again. There were no thefts apparent at the time. Only months later, during an inventory, was it discovered that a Bellto...

The Machine's Child (Company) by Kage Baker

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