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Read The Intern Affair

The Intern Affair

Online Book

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The Intern Affair - Plot & Excerpts

Abdul Karim. He was to oversee the application for a gold exploration permit in NW Mali. Soon after Talya Gilmore’s arrival in Bamako, Karim disappeared along with his niece, Helen Dumarais. Talya needed to find them in order to clear Tristan’s name of any wrong-doing in the embezzlement of funds, alleged bribing of government officials and involvement in the murder of Sergio Mendez.
    Talya’s investigation led her to Dakar where she discovered that the embezzled funds had been invested in the illegal mining of Sabodala in SE Senegal. With the able assistance of Alhassan Sangare, a Malian attorney, and Captain Samir Mandalay, a private pilot, she unravelled the mystery behind Karim and Helen’s disappearance and the murder of Sergio Mendez.
      Charles then returned his attention once more to the gathering, and closing the folder in front of him, he said,  “The rest of Ms. Gilmore’s statement are only made out of notes, which will have yet to be recorded.

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