88 pages including index. Basic investment book worth buying after borrowing it from your local library. Covers what you need to know before investing your money in stocks, bonds, or hedge funds. Gives the reader a clear idea of the risksan benefits of the various investment techniques currently in use today. This book is written for the lay person but it does not dummy down the matterial. This one book worth reading and buying. Nice and short. Sadly, it is too American to be of optimal use.Worth remembering:5 decisions to make: 1. DIY or use investment professional? (choose an independent fee-only investment professional)2. asset allocation (cash, short-term domestic & int'l bonds, domestic & int'l stocks)3. diversification (see #3 above)4. active or passive (choose passive)5. rebalancing (choose to rebalance 1-4 times per year)
Only good quality is that it is short. Not worth anyone's time.
I am now 68 pages closer to conquering the financial world.
I heard so much about this book , I have to read it .
Short, sweet, and all you need to know.