"Come in, son." His lower lip droops as though it's miming openness, and Luke restrains his own from reflecting the expression. "Seeing you twice in a week now, are we? Not often enough," Maurice declares. "What are you having to drink?" "I'd better not, thanks. I was on the way to the house." "Your house, you mean," Maurice says more enthusiastically still. "Yours and Sophie's and somebody else's as well." It's clear that he has been celebrating, and Luke guesses Terence's will is why. As well as leaving Luke the house in Runcorn it confirms that Maurice and Freda have been left the demolition firm. Before Luke can say any more Maurice strides along the broad timbered hall. "It's Luke, Freddy," he shouts. Freda bustles out of the metal and marble kitchen. She's wearing an apron like an elongated humbug, which emits a plastic crackle as she hugs Luke. "Won't you stay for dinner? We're having the pasta you like." "You'll be coming back this way, won't you?" Maurice says.