And I said YOU BETTER GIVE IT BACK! And he said I’M GONNA SHOW IT TO SISTER MARY JUSTIN! And I said YOU BETTER GIVE IT BACK! again. And he said WHO’S GONNA MAKE ME? And I said ME! And he started laughing and so did Duane Machado who flunked the first grade and so he’s a lot older than everybody else. And also a lot bigger and fatter and uglier. And Jimmy said he knew FOR SURE there wasn’t a real Superman and I was the STUPIDEST kid in the class and maybe I was the STUPIDEST kid in the entire world. And Duane said that Robert Sipanno was the second stupidest kid and they both started laughing again. Robert wasn’t around because he was in the lavatory. So I tried to grab the comicbook but I couldn’t because they’re a LOT bigger than me. Especially Duane who’s the biggest person in the class and who pushed me against the wall. Real hard. And so I said YOU JUST WAIT TILL I GET SUPER LIKE SUPERMAN!
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