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Read The Last Child (2009)

The Last Child (2009)

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0312359322 (ISBN13: 9780312359324)
Minotaur Books

The Last Child (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

The Last ChildI’ve always felt that different categories of books deserve different ratings. Mozart and Otis Redding are about as similar as lace and leather, so I would never try to compare Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nacht Musik with Redding’s Sittin On The Dock of the Bay. But both are five star compositions within their own genres.By the same standard, it’s impossible to compare literary fiction with mystery/thriller fiction. But I’d give some works in both categories five stars. James Lee Burke is a master of the mystery/thriller genre. A few of his books (e.g. The Tin Roof Blowdown) are five star works. John Hart hasn’t quite reached the heights of Burke, but he’s got almost three decades to catch up. Hart’s prose cuts like a razor. His characters are as authentic and unadorned as if they’d walked off the streets. He’s a topnotch writer who’s only going to get better, if he doesn’t decided to go lie on a beach for the rest of his life.His third novel, The Last Child, is a solid four stars. It’s the story of a young boy, Johnny Merrimon, whose life is turned upside down when his twin sister disappears at age thirteen. His mother is devastated, his father takes off, and he’s left with the task of finding his sister and protecting his mother from herself and the abusive thug she’s become involved with since her husband disappeared.Detective Clyde Hunt, who’s assigned to the Merrimon disappearance, is worried about Johnny’s reckless disregard for danger as he tries to find out what happened to his sister. Hunt, who also has a soft spot for Johnny’s delicate, beautiful mother, never imagined how far Johnny would go to find the truth about his sister, or the danger both of them would encounter as a result.The Last Child moves like a downhill freight train — relentless, constantly gathering speed as it roars toward its climax. It’s without a doubt one of the best thrillers of the past decade. This book is absolutely the best. All I have t say is that if you have not read this book then please do so. You would be really shocked of how this book ends. Lets just say that this little boy in the book actually solved the case of his missing sister and father. I won't say anymore just read it. I promis you would not regret it. Beautifully written and keeps the reader entranced from the beginning of the book to the ending. I read this book in a day.

What do You think about The Last Child (2009)?

EXCELLENT BOOK!!! Keeps you on the edge of your seat.

excellent!! thx AC for telling me about this book!!

Wow. So Good

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