The Legend Of Jesse Smoke (2016) - Plot & Excerpts
And I don’t mean that first game she got to play in either, although that was something, too. No, I mean the look on Jesse’s face when I told her the conditions. She didn’t blink an eye. “You know what that means,” I said. “What?” “You miss and you’re out. Engram will do exactly what he says.” We were standing outside the training room after practice. She looked at me with those clear, stony blues. “I’m not going to miss,” she said. There’s something about athletes with real talent; I’m not talking about guys who are, you know, better than average, or even the ones who get scholarships and national attention because they’ve got perfect bodies with no fat to speak of and all the muscles in the right places, along with whatever natural talent, whatever swiftness of foot. That kind of athlete is everywhere. You can find them on any pickup basketball court in America; on any soccer or baseball or football field in any school you care to name. They’re everywhere.
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