I didn’t really feel that surprised though, which was odd. I was trying to figure out why, but wasn’t having much luck right now because the fog seemed to be not only surrounding me but also in my head. Just looking at him for a second and my normal thought process seemed to have flown the coop. I’d gone for an evening walk, and though the waterfront was not the safest place to be alone, I loved the sound of the waves lapping up against the fishing boats that were docked for the night. So, safe or not, this was where I usually walked. But I wasn’t completely crazy. I carried my mace and a whistle, just in case. But this man never made me feel like I needed to close my fingers around it, the way I did when so many others passed me. With this guy I felt strangely comforted and safe. He was standing at the end of one of the piers. But he wasn’t looking out at the water. He was facing me. I swear he was watching me. I felt a chill go down my spine, not because I was afraid, but rather because I felt, oddly, protected.