The Living And The Dead (Tyler G Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts
Tyler started running twice daily, toward that end. Fight practice came about that often, too. Once in the morning with Ginger, Scotty and Rebekah, who all took turns making fun of him by holding their arms up at shoulder height and moaning when he messed things up by being clumsy. It was kind of funny, he knew. Still, by the end he was winning each time, so the mocking turned back toward the Vampires. Where it belonged, at least for that kind of thing. The second session each day was with Eve, and was a lot harder. The girl didn't cut him as much slack, and she, for her part, didn't make fun of him. No, when she hit him, things broke, and that meant making himself heal as they kept on going. She also forced him to practice magic daily. Doing it right after meals, so that he would have to take life energy from his food, and use that directly. That was harder than it sounded like it should be. He didn't have any way to really store that kind of thing, himself, being dead like he was. Living things could, he came to understand, use their own life force, a thing that constantly replenished, for things like that.
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