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Read The Lost Treasure Map Series

The Lost Treasure Map Series

Online Book

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The Lost Treasure Map Series - Plot & Excerpts

Parker worked away, at the edge of the action and the airplane landing site on the castle roof, organizing everything, studying readouts given to him by scientists, making conclusions, and giving his findings into a microphone of a recorder, communicator, or to scientists near him, while occasionally examining the island about him in glances.
The island was a bright, desolate of human activity, and stretched out all around them, and covered mainly by immense trees, with its many dense dangerous jungle areas, and golden sand or hill regions, and with the curious massive cavity around the castle and its jungle.
Bryson and the others had finished all the heavy physical work and procedure, and he felt weary from it having been unexpectedly lengthened after them having to examine the landing site in detail for anything that could damage or destroy an airplane.
The main job had been removing muck, debris, and thick bushes there, and Bryson saw how lucky they were as much of the roof had trees and large thick vegetation growing over it.

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