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Read The Love Killers (1991)

The Love Killers (1991)

Online Book

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0671737864 (ISBN13: 9780671737863)
pocket books

The Love Killers (1991) - Plot & Excerpts

Beth, Lara, and Rio are all women out to get revenge for Margaret’s murder. A murder committed by the renown Bassalino crime family. Their revenge is by sex, therefore destroying each of the sons of this infamous family.I did not think this book was quite a Jackie Collin’s style as others I have read, and she is one of my favorite authors. There is sex, although not quite as much as usual or quite as hot, murder, and crime in the story as Collins is known for. Do not get me wrong , I liked the novel, I could not put it down.As each of the Bassalino heirs met up with the woman assigned to cause their destruction, I wondered where the sex would lead and how it would cause their demise. I have to say that the story between Beth and Frank was my favorite. Beth’s innocence was amazing, and how she overcame that innocence to do her job kept me riveted Rio’s outrageous behavior, which I believe is her normal behavior, mad me laugh, shudder, and shake my head. She definitely showed Angelo a different life then he was use to. Lara and Nick (sigh), oh my, who could dream you would fall in love with part of the family that caused the murder of your sister.Love Killers is an easy book to read and very entertaining. I enjoy it very much and recommend it to all my fellow Jackie Collins fans.

Trei femei puternice ,spirituale si foare razbunatoare.Toate trei cu un singur tel si anume sa razbune moarte surorii lor Margaret. Crima este comandata de catre capul familiei Bassalino,si drept urmare cei trei fii ai acestuia trebuie sa plateasca pentru moartea ei. Trei povesti paralele. Una intre Frank ,barbatul insurat si Beth o tanare inocenta, a doua poveste intre Angelo mezinul iresponsabil si frumoasa Rio, si a treia poveste(cu un final fericit-in ciuda tuturo asteptarilor) intre Nick barbatul indragostit si frumoasa Lara. Ma asteptam la ceva cu totul si cu totul mai palpitant, credeam ca vor fi mai multe intrigi.Da de unde!!!!Barbatii astia parca erau niste cateluisi trasi in lesa ,si nici decum niste mari mafioti. Pacat pentru ca poveste are potential , si poate daca ar fi fost scrisa intr-o maniere nu asa de sucinta ,alta mi-ar fi fost parerea.

What do You think about The Love Killers (1991)?

Third book by Collins and I must say, she isn't that bad but I found this one tad boring as compared to the ones I have already read. This book had me at excerpt. Margaret an activist shot dead and her 2 sisters were out to avenge a murder. Excerpt was way too interesting.Three beautiful women set out to prove that when it comes to revenge, the female is far, far deadlier than the male.

For some reason this was not a book I remember ever seeing and I have only read it because it was lent to me. Sometimes a girl just has to have a Jackie Collins, others try to steal her crown but she remains steadfast and true.This has been a departure from books of hers I have read in the past but I enjoyed it nevertheless even though I did find it a little far-fetched in places. That does not detract at all from her writing and quality of her storytelling which I've always loved.This seemed shorter than the books of hers I have read before,with shorter more punchy chapters, nevertheless if you want a decent read which won't take you long I recommend it.

Was a good read and surprised by how it ended. Not sure if would read it again though. However, I was glad that out of all the brother's, Nick survived. I had the most hope for him to turn out as a decent guy but the rest were too annoying so I didn't care that they died. Sorry, is that too harsh? They were mean though!

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