The Magical Christmas Cat (2008) - Plot & Excerpts
English/Italian reviewI've read just Nalini Singh's story, but I liked it so much.Annie, human and elementary school teacher, and Zach, DarkRiver soldier and ranger, are adorable together. I really liked both of them and the only disappointment I had was that I wanted to read more about them (but this is an anthology, so of course the story has to be short).A must-read for those who love the Psy-Changeling series and a nice and sweet read for those who don't know the series at all (they can enjoy it too, there's no need to know well the series).****Ho letto solo il racconto di Nalini Singh, ma mi è piaciuto un sacco! Annie, un'umana insegnante di scuola elementare, e Zach, mutaforma leopardo e guardia forestale, sono adorabili assieme. Mi sono piaciuti molto entrambi questi personaggi. L'unico disappunto di questa lettura è stato che il racconto non è durato di più (ma è racchiuso in un'antologia di racconti, quindi per forza di cose deve essere breve).Una lettura d'obbligo per chiunque ama la serie Psy-Changeling e una dolce e piacevole lettura anche per chi non conosce questa serie (non si entra nei dettagli della trama della serie principale). Four stories with a paranormal or magickal feline theme, all scorchingly hot, AND tied into Christmas? This is being naughty in a VERY nice way.Stroke of Enticement - Nalini Singh. In this world, there are human, Changelings (shifters), and Psy (psychics). Angelica/Annie is a human teacher, who was endured a terrible accident as a child, which left her with a slight limp on the outside, and forever changed on the inside. Zach is a sexy leopard Changeling who KNOWS, when meeting his nephew's teacher, that Annie is destined to be his mate. But their pairing will only work if she can willingly accept it.Christmas Bree - Erin McCarthy. Bree is a goth witch, who's been having ridiculously erotic dreams about Ian Carrington, an uptight lawyer she met a year ago, who doesn't even live in the same town. Now he's back, ringing her doorbell, and HE's been having the same kinds of dreams, about her. Is it the bespelled mistletoe that Bree's cat, Akasha, can't stop carrying around as his favorite toy?Sweet Dreams - Linda Winstead Jones. A demon cat, bound to the form of a jade statuette, needs to claim one final life/soul, to become permanently embodied and wreak havoc on the world. Parapsychology professor Zane is a secret demon warrior Loved the way the nine lives legend and the "cats suck the breath" myth were entwined in the story. Loved the way Ruby learned to listen to the previous demon victims, and to figure out a way to use ice cream and cake to defend herself.Christmas Heat by Lora Leigh. She almost lost me at "Nearing fifty, but spry as a woman fifteen years younger" in describing a secondary character. Spry? SPRY? Spry is what you use to describe Santa Claus, or a woman nearing eighty, not fifty.But she won me back with the heat in the relationship between Noble, a "breed" (laboratory hybrid containing the DNA of large predators, in his case, a jaguar, and humans), and Haley, a spunky librarian. The scorching, well-written scenes between Noble and Haley are amazing, AND it turns out breeds love chocolate chip cookies.All four are great stories with their own unique take on the theme. If you don't have a Christmas fire to curl up next to, these stories bring enough heat you'll feel as though you have one.
What do You think about The Magical Christmas Cat (2008)?
loved the Psy-changling story of Zach and the school teacher--really sweet.
Well this was .... interesting. I've never read feline erotica before.
Review to comeNalini Singh Story: "Stroke of Enticement" 5/5
5 stars for "Stroke of Enticement". Zach is so sweet! ^^